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Original Article

ECB. 2022; 11(8): 9-18


Kaviyaselvi Gurumurthy, Dhanraj Ganapathy, Keerthi Sasanka, Vinay Sivaswamy.


Background: Quid, a form of betel nut, is one of the most addictive substances whose intake occurs by chewing. Quid
chewing is affected by factors such as peer pressure, family influence and easy decision making. The practice of quid chewing is
more predominant among younger children and possesses a high risk towards the occurrence of lung, liver and oral cancer. In
contrast, it can be used as a remedy for schizophrenia. Aim: The present study aims at determining the awareness on the usage of
quid among rural adolescents, its types and effects among dental students. Materials and method: A self assessable survey
consisting of 10 questions were prepared and circulated among 100 dental students and the results were analysed to determine the
effects of quid chewing. Results and discussion: On analysing the results, it was found that the practice of quid chewing affects
the haemoglobin levels of he body and poses an increased risk to hepatocellular and oral carcinoma. The phenolic compounds and
alkaloids in quid affect the CNS and can cause airway obstruction in children. In individuals exposed to smoking too, the
functioning of the brain and mental capacity was lowered. More awareness on the positive effects of quid, its mechanism of action
and its effect on the different population groups are essential. Conclusion: The present study concludes that the awareness among
dental students on the usage, effects, advantages and disadvantages of quid usage was moderate.

Key words: Quid, stimulant, cancer, betel nut, awareness, innovative technique, eco friendly.

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