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Dusunen Adam. 2019; 32(1): 0-0

The association between hope, anxiety, depression, coping strategies and perceived social support in patients with chronic kidney disease

Bengü Yücens,Vahap Ozan Kotan,Nihal Özkayar,Zeynep Kotan,Rabia Yüksel,Şenol Bayram,Fatih Dede,Erol Göka.


Objective: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may experience psychiatric problems while having to cope with various characteristics of the disease. Identifying the level of hope, coping strategies and perceived social support may provide valuable information to improve treatment plans and the response to treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the association between hope, anxiety, depression, coping strategies and perceived social support in patients with CKD.
Method: A total of 65 grade 3 or 4 CKD patients and a healthy control group (51 volunteers) with matched baseline sociodemographic characteristics were included. The participants were evaluated using a sociodemographic data form, the Herth Hope Scale, Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, COPE Inventory and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support.
Results: The level of hope was lower, depression scores were higher and non-functional coping strategies were observed more often in patients with CKD compared to the healthy control group. In the multiple linear regression analysis, anxiety and depression levels were found to have a negative effect and perceived social support of the family a positive effect on the level of hope in patients with CKD.
Conclusion: Anxiety, depression and perceived social support of the family predict the hope level of patients with CKD. A multidisciplinary approach including psychiatric consultation should be adopted in the treatment of patients with CKD as hope plays an important role in treatment compliance.

Key words: chronic kidney diseases; hope; anxiety; depression; social support

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