0.05 statistically not significant. Also a future study needed in a larger population as a census criteria worldwide. "/>

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Original Article

ECB. 2022; 11(7): 58-66


Mohamed Noufal Z, Dhanraj M. Ganapathy, L. Keerthi Sasanka, Vinay Sivaswamy.


Introduction: Passive smoking is the inhalation of smoke, called secondhand smoke (SHS), or environmental tobacco
smoke (ETS), by persons other than the intended "active" smoker. It occurs when tobacco smoke enters an environment, causing
its inhalation by people within that environment, this study is conducted to identify knowledge and awareness of the passive among
the selected population. Aim: To find the knowledge and awareness of hazards of passive smoking. Materials & Method: A
survey was conducted among 100 randomly selected populations via google forms and it tabulated and correlated using the SPSS
version 23. Result: Passive smoking is one of the most deadly and horrible causes of frequent death and breathing problems in the
childrens and adult population. From the current study, we have identified that according to statistical analysis, males have better
awareness and knowledge on passive smoking and secondhand smoking compared to the female population. Conclusion: From
the current survey based study we can assume that the randomly selected population have a considerably sufficient amount of
knowledge and awareness based on the occupation, age and gender. 62% of the responded population are aware of hazards of
passive smoking, (p)=0.415>0.05 statistically not significant. Also a future study needed in a larger population as a census criteria

Key words: Carcinogens, Green synthesis, Eco friendly, Environmental tobacco smoke, Innovative technology, Nicotine, Passive smoking, Second hand smoke.

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