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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7204-7212


Biji Gopakumar Pillai, Dr. Sangvikar Nanasaheb Vasudev.


By "values," Princeton Wordnet refers to the views in which people have "an emotional investment," such as those held by individuals or social groups. Ethic refers to ideals that regulate right and wrong acts, which encompasses environmental responsibilities as well as moral philosophy. In other words, values are a reflection of what people value. A person's values might range from conservative to orthodox to radical to liberal. The tales, prose, and poetry of literature connect with the audience. Life experiences may be summarized in a single piece of literature. Many of the stories convey personal ideas or values via the use of philosophical concepts. Literature based on the experiences of famous individuals, with whom we can identify, fosters a sense of authenticity in the narratives. In a sense, the literature produced by a given culture is a mirror picture of that society's inhabitants. In addition to broadening, one's viewpoint, literature also serves to unite people and cultures. When we read critically, we develop the ability to analyze what we've read logically and rationally. NCF 2005 introduced values as a fundamental aspect of education in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF). Professional education is gradually including values into its curriculum as well. It is a value of concern and a component of the curriculum in a multicultural country like India that promotes peacefulness, humaneness, and tolerance. In her works, Sudha Murthy strives to instil and reinforce positive ideals whereas the modern literature of the postcolonial era do not. Compassion, truthfulness, human decency, concern for others, gratitude, respect for one's job and a healthy attitude towards money and marital relationships are all part of this study's core principles.

Key words: Values, Society, Contemporary, Literature, Environment.

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