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Research Article

Equijost. 2020; 7(2): 77-82

Prevalence of Malaria Parasites and Associated Factors among Blood Donors Attending General Hospital Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Racheal Adepeju Adeoye, Aishat Rabiu Sani, Kabiru Adamu.


The prevalence of malaria parasites among the blood donors attending General Hospital Minna was studied over a period of four (4) months. Both thick and thin films were made on a clean grease free glass slide. 10% Giemsa was used to determine the presence of malaria parasites in the donors’ blood. A total number of 200 males blood donors’ samples were collected of which 47 were malaria positive, while 153 were malaria parasites negative (control) representing a prevalence rate of 23.5%. The age group 18-24 had the highest prevalence of malaria parasites (33.3%). Donors with blood group AB had the highest prevalence of malaria (42.1 %). The various factors except age, blood group and occupation in the questionnaire were significant. The prevalence of malaria parasites within the sampled hospital is high. Therefore, it is necessary that more education, enlightenment, prevention and treatment should be given to people that are positive to malaria parasites in order to eradicate malaria parasites or bringing it to minimal effect.

Key words: Keywords: Malaria parasite; Blood donors; Prevalence, Blood group, Infected

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