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Characteristic of Musculoskeletal Trauma Patients Admitted to a Trauma Center in Central Java-Indonesia

Syafiq Basalamah,Harry Jonathan,Ilham Suryo Wibowo Antono.

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Introduction: Musculoskeletal trauma becomes a serious problem in developing countries such as Indonesia. Increasing cases of musculoskeletal trauma from day to day not in spite of increased mobility, motorization and the growing of industrialization in Indonesia. There are lack of studies that been published about musculoskeletal trauma pattern in Indonesia before. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the epidemiological parameters related to musculoskeletal trauma cases admitted to the trauma center in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia.

Methods: Our study conduct a descriptive cross-sectional study at the trauma centre of Siaga Medika Hospital in Banyumas regency, Central Java. During 1-year period (January 2016 to December 2016), a total of 2183 patients were taken from the patients register. A detailed information of all patients was done with regards to age, sex, and the location of injury.

Results: Predominant Injuries occur in the age group of 15-30 years. Males experienced more injury with male to female ratio of 3:1. Lower limb fracture ranks first as the location of the most common musculoskeletal trauma (41.8%), followed by upper limb fracture in the next sequence (40.3%). The predominant incidence of musculoskeletal trauma occurs from August to December 2016, where the highest incidence is in August with 299 cases.

Conclusions: Even though we already have the traffic rules and standard operating procedures of any work that went well, but still need firmness in practice. Change in attitude of the people towards the traffic rules and road safety, and the standard operational procedure of any works should be brought about. This study expected to provide an overview of musculoskeletal trauma pattern in Indonesia in order to assist in arranging strategy to any trauma center providing service for musculoskeletal trauma based on these epidemiological trends.

Key words: Trauma, Musculoskeletal, Epidemiology, Trauma center, Indonesia

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