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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4127-4140

Moderating Effect Of Information & Communication Technology On The Relationship Between Post-Harvest Management And Supply Chain Performance Of Apples: Uttarakhand

Aanchal Sharma Lamba, Ajay Sharma, Deepak Kholiya, Shyam Kapri, Sanjiv Kumar.


Purpose: This paper determines to study the moderating effect of information & communication technology on the relationship between post-harvest management and supply chain performance of apples in Uttarakhand.
Research Design/ Methodology: An exhaustive review of previous studies has been performed to study the moderating effect of information & communication technology on the relationship between post-harvest management and supply chain performance of apples in Uttarakhand. A simple random sampling method was employed to choose the respondents (apple growers). The sample size consisted of 457 respondents. Out of 457, 409 responses were usable. Semi-structured questionnaires were distributed to the respondents (apple growers) of the study. Descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, and simple linear regression was used for the process of data analysis.
Outcome of the study: It has been revealed by the outcome of the study that there is a significant and positive relationship between post -harvest management and supply chain performance of apples. Results also indicated that information & communication technology moderates the relationship between post- harvest management (PHM) and supply chain performance (SCP) of apples in Uttarakhand.
Research Limitations: Only Uttarakhand has been considered in the study. This study covered only apple as a fruit.
Implications of the study: The study offers in depth knowledge to stakeholders of an apple supply chain in terms of what role can ICT and PHM play to enhance the overall supply chain performance of apples.
Originality/Value: The current study will justify the significance of adoption and
implementation of ICT in supply chain of apples in Uttarakhand.

Key words: post-harvest management; information & communication technology; supply chain performance; apple growers; Uttarakhand.

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