in this study, we analysed the dala of 61O patients operated on with the diagnosis of carotid artery disease and who underwent carotid endarterectomy between January 1980-December 1987 in Rome University, Faculty of Medi cine, Department of Vascular Surgery.
Preoperative diagnostic tools included Doppler examination and DSA. Following the operative procedure primary closure of the arteriotomy was done in 454 cases (Group A), while 156 patients underwent patch angioplasty (Group 8). Tbere were no differences between those two groups of patients regarding gender, atherosclerotic risk factors, op erative indications, clinical and angiopraphic evaluation.
Early mortality was 2.2 % in group A, 1.2 % in group 8 (p> 0.05). Neurological complications following operation was 2.4 % in group A, 2.5 % in group 8 (p> 0.05). Postoperative thrombosis was 0.9 % and 0.6 in group A and 8 respective ly (P> 0.05).
Long term follow-up was possible in 470 cases with on average of 35 months. Lata follow-up revealed 3.6 % and 2.1 % neurological complications in group A and 8 respectively (P< 0.05). Also long term results regarding thrombosis of the artery showed lower thrombosis rate in group 8 (Group A 2.4 %, group 8 1.4) (p>0.05). lnterestingly, restenosis rate was found as 4.2 % in group A and O % in group 8 which is statisticslly significant in long term follow-up. (•p< 0.05)
in this study, it was found !hat late and early thrombosis was particularly lower in the patch graft angioplasty group. Restenosis was absent in this which is interesting clinically, also this difference was found to be statiscally significant. As a conclusion we believe that patch angioplasty is a superior technique compared to primary closure of the arterioto my.
Key words: None