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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2020; 29(4): 259-263

Frequency of dental flourosis in population drinking water with high fluoride level in Thar’

Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed,Dr. Anwar Ali,Dr. Marium Zaheer,Ibraj Fatima,Dr. Nazeer Khan.



Introduction: Thar Desert is the largest desert in Pakistan. Life scattered over the desert in small villages mainly depending on the underground well water, dug by help of animals. The increased fluoride ion concentration in the water of whole desert imparts ill health outcomes in its population.

Objective: This descriptive comparitive cross sectional study find the frequency of dental fluorosis in both groups.one group is from sammu rind thar where water fluoride content is high and the other unexposed group is from Gadap where fluoride level is normal in drinking water. Methodology: The water samples were taken from both the sites and fluoride estimation in water and geometrical , was determined using Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode (FISE) method. By random selection 121 subjects from Sammo Rind village and 121 controls from Gadap Town Karachi were included in study after informed consent. The participants were clinically examined by an expert university teacher dentist in proper dental setups in examination lights.

Results: A frequency of dental fluorosis 100% was found among the study subjects with fluoride content as high as 6-8 mg/dl as compared to frequency of dental fluorosis 17.4% in unexposed group with water fluoride content as low as 0.30mg/dl.

Conclusions: The high level of underground water fluoride level and cent per cent dental fluorosis in Thar area is an alarming situation that should be addressed immediately at national level.

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