The application of minerals as nanomaterials has greater scope to bring improvement in the growth and yield of capsicum. The nanomaterials play a significant role in cellular metabolism and uptake of nutrients so have the potential to improve the productivity of capsicum. The experiment was conducted in a naturally ventilated polyhouse at a horticulture farm of the ITM University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, during 2021–2022 with the view to find the efficacy of mineral nutrients, namely calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S), and molybdenum (Mo) in combination with nanomaterials, namely nano-Zinc (nano-Zn), nano-Iron (nano-Fe), and nano-magnesium (nano-Mg) on the productivity of capsicum (cv. Rani). The combined application of calcium and nano-Zn or nano-Mg as N1M1 (nano-Zn and CaCl2 at 1000 ppm each) and N3M1 (nano-Mg and CaCl2 at 1000 ppm each) is the effective approach for improvement in productivity of capsicum. The combined application of these nanomaterials in the presence of calcium is mainly attributed to effective nutrient uptake and utilization due to the positive Ca-Zn or Ca-Mg interaction.
Key words: Capsicum, calcium chloride, nanomaterials, nano-Mg, nano-Zn, productivity