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Case Report

Surgery of Condyloma Acuminatum Permagnum and Permagnum Recurrence After Two Years

Nenad Lucic, Zora Antonic, Vesna Ecim, Slobodan Grahovac, Rosanda Jeftovic, Dragica Draganovic, Branka Cancarevic-Djajic, Aleksandar Rodic.


The authors in their paper show the case with the female patient D.S. 51 years old, which was surgically treated for genital condyloma in 1981, 1986, 1999, 2006 and 2008. Under registration number 3119/2006 was received at Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic in Banja Luka with the diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum permagnum. Patient suffered from a huge tumorous, cauliflower formation, which was located on the mons pubis, and down to the anus, laterally to the right of the gluteal region to the left thigh. Patient was operated–Vulvectomia simplex cum extirpatio tumoris reg glutealis l dex. We obtained pathohistological findings (no. 4876 / 06) which read: condyloma acuminatum permagnum. After two years patient was rehospitalized at Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic in Banja Luka, (registration number 1311/08) with almost identical findings in the same region under the diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum permagnum recidivans, St. post. vulvectomiam simplex et extitpationem tumoris glutealis reg l dex. All preoperative findings – laboratory analysis, X-ray of the lung and heart and ultrasound of the small pelvis were within the reference values. In this paper we describe the location of the tumor and how it is resolved – Extirpatio tumoris reg glutealis l. dex. et perianalis. Pathohistological findings confirmed previous diagnosis. In this paper we highlight our experiences regarding the operations of an unusually large tumors of genital condyloma and recurrent genital condyloma that were almost of the same size. Our experience could be useful to work on the education about sexually transmitted diseases, in order to improve the prevention of the viral diseases (vaccination), the treatment of these illnesses and to disseminate the warning that the regular check-ups with gynecologist are necessary.

Key words: Condyloma, acuminatum, HPV, surgery.

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