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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 3206-3213

Cfd Aerodynamic Analysis Of Two Different Cars

Sayed Mohammad Younus, Ishaan Bhasin, Maharishi Subhash, Rajesh P Verma, Dr B Deshpande.


The drag coefficient (Cd) on different velocity of Mercedes Benz and Aventador is numerically examined. For the study of flow over 2D automobile using ANSYS Fluent, drag coefficient, pressure coefficient, static pressure, and velocity profile are used. The measurements are made at velocity ranging from 10m/s to 50m/s, and the effect of drag and pressure on the car body is observed. ANSYS Fluent is used to create a velocity profile on the top automobile body based on the provided velocities at 5 different places.

Key words: Computational fluid dynamics, ANSYS Fluent, Drag Coefficient, velocity profile.

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