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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 2765-2773

Social & Technical Aspects Of Language: Euphemisms & Jargons

CA Bijaya Laxmi Thapliyal, Aishwarya Ranghar, Vinay Devrani, Rupa Khanna Malhotra.


Language is a mode of communication that has the ability to carry out communications. Today, the use of euphemisms and jargon has been employed in high-frequency domains like politics, health, science, and law. The present research paper reveals how these are perceived in a context by the people and aims at identifying them in various aspects. It explores the various strategies such as understatement, metaphors, synonyms and substitution and their part in making the speaker more intrinsic and considerate. The analysis revealed insightful points and its influence on the recipients. The study illustrates their pros and cons and recommends their usage for more active communication. It also emphasizes on their traits and how it came into being in the professional world. Language is a powerful medium to connect people as it creates harmony among them and if it is not used judiciously, it brings bitterness and spoils the sublimity of the language. It is the language which distinguishes the mankind from the animals. Therefore, it is advisable to use the language sophistically and avoid euphemisms and jargon as much as possible. They could be used either with the same profession or from an entertainment point of view informally.

Key words: Language, Speaking skills, Sublimity, Jargon, Terminology & Euphemism.

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