Purpose of exploring the field of general psychology, particularly the different perspectives of children’s and adults’ psychology in the light of psychological theories of famous experts and R.K. Narayan’s characters, especially children, adults and parents in his famous fictions and novels, is to bridge the gap among all the humans, in order to bring harmony in the mankind and avoid all clashes, conflicts, differences, adult- authority, isolation, communication gap and so on which human beings come across such things in their lives, while dealing with one another one way or the other. The aim of the study is to work on psychoanalysis of an individual such as child, adult & parents, so that the best practices can be adopted to overcome tensions among them and suggest the remedial approaches for the well being of an each individual by depicting the fictional characters in the unique works of the world known literary figure and author R.K. Narayan. The book also emphasizes the suffering of children, which is frequently overlooked by the so-called wise adult world, and how the pure, uncorrupt mind must endure elders' cruelty in order to create a gentleman out of them.
Key words: Children, Adults, Perspectives, Parenting, Conflicts, Psychology & Thought process