In this report, a 28 year old schizophrenic patient who had Gitelman syndrome comorbidity is presented and the differential diagnosis is discussed. Gitelman syndrome is, defined as an autosomal recessive disorder featuring hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hypocalciuria and hypomagnesemia, Differences between Gitelman syndrome and Bartter syndrome, a similar cinical entity, is also discussed, Bartter syndrome usually allect patients under the age of 5, while Gitelman syndrome patients typically present at older ages. Gitelman syndrome also includes hypocalciuria, hypomagnesemia and normal urine prostaglandin. The clinician must evaluate the general medical condition before making any decision about the psychotic disorder. There is no spesific guide for the relationship between a psychotic disorder and general medical condition but at least some general principles could guide us. These are temporary relationship between onset, course or the remission of the psychotic disorder and the medical condition; and, atypical symptoms of the primary psychotic disorder. Here we discussed this relationship between psychotic disorder and Gitelman syndrome.
Key words: Schizophrenia, Gitelman syndrome, psychotic disorder due to general medical condition