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IJMDC. 2020; 4(8): 1169-1171

Replantation: factors maximizing the functionality of a replanted body part

Talal Altuwaylie, Faisal Yonbawi, Ahmed Basabrain, Bader Ibrahim, Al-Baraa Albawab.


Replantation is a surgical operation to reattach an amputated body part. The probability of success is greater for a limb that has been amputated by a sharp-cut injury than by a crush injury. This varied success rate indicates that certain factors can help to restore the functionality of the replanted body part. These factors can be categorized as preoperative, procedural, and postoperative. Preoperative factors include the process of determining the possibility of performing replantation, as well as the time elapsed between the incidence of amputation and the performance of the surgery. Procedural factors affect the surgical process, and include the skills of the surgical team. Postoperative factors include physical therapy, rehabilitation, the psychological aspect of recovery, and other factors occurring after the surgical operation. Each of these factors plays a role in restoring the functionality of the limb to the pre-amputation level. A study by King Khalid University Hospital demonstrated the importance of these factors in the level of functional recovery achieved after follow-up care for a specific period.

Key words: Amputation, factors, functionality, replantation

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