Objective: To evaluate functional outcome of medial patello-femoral ligament reconstruction in recurrent patellar dislocation using semitendinosus tendon auto-graft.
Methodology: This prospective cohort study was conducted at Department of Orthopedics and Spine Surgery, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan from 1st January 2021 to 30th July 2022. All cases of both genders, aged 18-35 years having unilateral recurrent patella dislocation were treated adopting semitendinosus tendon auto-graft, regardless of time of presentation following injury or complaints were considered. Radiographic studies including x-ray, CT scan and MRI were asked. Pre-surgery functional assessment was done as per “International Knee Docementation Committee (IKDC)” scores. Outcome was recorded after 6-months as per functional assessment as per IKDC.
Results: Out of 23 patients, 15 (65.2%) were female. Mean age was 26.5±8.6 years. Mean time to presentation was 8.5±6.2 months. Most common mode of injury was sports related noted in 11 (47.8%) patients. Superficial surgical site infections occurred in 3 (13.0%) cases which were handled with dressing and antibiotics. At 6-month follow up, 18 (78.2%) cases achieved >80% increase in IKDC scores. Mean baseline IKDC scores were 39.6±11.2 vs. 70.5±13.7 at 6-months follow up post-surgery (p
Key words: International Knee Documentation Committee, medial patellofemoral ligament, patellar dislocation, tendon autograft.