This study examines job satisfaction among banks employees of public and private sector of Malakand Division. NBP is selected as public banks because it is the oldest bank in the area with more branches, while UBL is nominated as private banks because of its more spread branches in the area. Using convenience sampling techniques overall 93 employees are selected as sample for the study (43 from NBP and 50 employees serving in UBL). The designed questionnaire of Spector (1994) is utilized to collect data containing 36 questions of job satisfaction, nine facets having 4 items for each one. Pearsons correlation and regression analysis is used to draw inferences from the obtained data. The results of public bank employees show that three out of the nine facets of job satisfaction have a strong positive correlation with job satisfaction which is pay, contingent rewards and co-workers. Promotion, fringe benefits, operating conditions and nature of work have moderate positive link with job satisfaction. Public bankers are less satisfied with communication, while not significant satisfied with job satisfaction. It is concluded by private bank employees that they are strongly satisfied with pay, operating conditions, co-workers and communication. Private bankers are moderately satisfied with supervision and contingent rewards. Job satisfaction have weak positive link with Promotion and fringe benefits, while not statistically correlated with nature of work. Moreover, it is stated that overall job satisfaction is level for both public and private bankers.
Key words: Job Satisfaction; National Bank of Pakistan; United Bank Limited