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Computational Analysis of Oral Cancer Gene Expression Profile and Identification of MiRNAs and their Regulatory Hub Genes

Ariya S.S, Akhila Rachel James, Baby Joseph.


Oral cancer is one of the major cancers causing death worldwide. Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules, each capable of coding several genes. In oral cancer, many miRNAs were proven to be expressed in higher level in tumor samples when compared to normal. Iin this work, the miRNAs commonly expressed In oral cancer patients were analysed. The miRNAs hsa-miR-6514-3p’, ‘hsa-miR-34b-3p’, ‘hsa-miR-142-3p’, ‘hsa-miR-146b-5p’, ‘hsa-miR-451b’, ‘hsa-miR-519e’ and ‘hsa-miR-3591-3p were up-regulated in oral cancer patients. They coded for the genes AMN1, CUL1 and CDC14. The expression of these genes were related to oral cancer growth, progression and metastasis. Hence identifying drugs that could target these genes could help in reducing the oral cancer mortality by improving progression of patients.

Key words: miRNA, oral cancer, up-regulation, protein interaction network, master regulators

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