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Case Report

EJMCR. 2020; 4(10): 347-351

A tale of two pneumothoraces

Avinash Aujayeb, Karl Jackson.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Two male patients, one with small cell lung cancer and one with squamous cell lung cancer, presented within a few days of each other with incidental pneumothoraces on their routine staging computed tomograms.
Case Presentation: Both patients were sent to the accident and emergency from the radiology department. The patient with small cell lung cancer was seen out of hours, had a chest drain, and was admitted. The drain fell out with resultant extensive surgical emphysema. Specialist pleural advice was sought and instead of further interventions, simple observation in a place of safety enabled resolution of the pneumothorax, the surgical emphysema and symptoms. The second patient was seen within working hours with specialist pleural advice: simple observation over time allowed resolution of symptoms.
Conclusion: We hence describe the harm that a chest drain performed out of hours caused harm.

Key words: Pneumothorax, chest drain, secondary pneumothorax, case report

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