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Utilization of nano calcium for improving wheat germination, growth, and metabolic activities

Marwa M. El-Nakeep, Basma M. Khalaf, Samha A. Dowidar, Awatif A. Mohsen, Mahmoud A. Abd Elhaak.


The widespread availability of using nano technology can ensure food security through boosting agriculture production. Nanoparticles have potential to improve growth and yield of wheat crop. This paper studies effects of wheat grains priming in nanoparticles and bulk calcium hydroxide on germination, growth criteria, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates, and proteins content of wheat. Calcium hydroxide nanoparticles were 73nm size. Wheat grains were soaked for four hours in 0, 8.0, and 16.0 mM nanoparticles and 16 mM bulk solutions of calcium hydroxide for germination experiments in the laboratory. Also soaked grains were cultivated in clay-sandy soil (2:1 w/w), in small plastic bags in the green house of faculty of science for studying growth and some metabolic activities. Results showed that application of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles increased germination percentage significantly with 8 and 16 mM nanoparticles in comparison to control and calcium hydroxide bulk. Grain germination was hundred percentages with the 16.0 mM nanoparticles concentration. Root and shoot fresh weight and dry weight increased significantly (about 30%) at 8 and 16 mM as compared to control and calcium hydroxide bulk. Higher concentration (16 mM) of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles significantly enhanced fresh weight, dry weight, chlorophyll and protein content over control and calcium hydroxide bulk. Nonetheless, effect of 8 and 16mM caused more utilization of carbohydrates in the plant growth as compared to control. Calcium hydroxide nanoparticles have definite potential to increase crop growth and yield. Nonetheless, comprehensive experimentation is required to establish the most suitable concentration, size and mode of application of calcium hydroxide nanoparticles for higher growth and yield in the field crops.

Key words: Nano-priming, Germination, Growth criteria, photosynthetic pigments.

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