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Plasma catestatin importance and correlation in patients with dipper and non-dipper hypertension patients

Dursun Topal, Ferit Onur Mutluer, Alkame Akgumus, Fahri Er, Mehmet Demir, Erhan Tenekecioglu.


Catestatin (CST) is a metabolite of chromogranin A, a soluble protein in catecholamine storage vesicles acting as a feedback inhibitor of catecholamine secretion. This study aims to investigate the correlation of catestatin with dipper and non-dipper status in hypertensive patients. Hypertensive (n=355) and healthy subjects (n=129) were randomly selected at an outpatient clinic. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured according to relevant guidelines. Plasma catestatin level, plasma glucose, lipid levels were measured. An ambulatory blood pressure monitor was performed to determine the dipping patterns in hypertensive subjects. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to assess factors affecting catestatin levels. Left ventricular mass was higher among hypertensives compared with healthy controls (178±47 g versus 213±52 g in healthy controls and hypertensives, p

Key words: Hypertension, dipper, non-dipper, catestatin, biomarker

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