The study analyzed Soybeans (cheese and milk) value chain in Kebbi State Nigeria. Primary data were collected using well-structured questionnaires. A Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to collect data from120 cheese and milk processors each giving 240 as sample size for the study. The analytical techniques used for the study are Descriptive statistics, Net Farm Income and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results from the study revealed that cheese processors realized a profit of N 3,505 while milk processors realized a profit of N 4,045 per processing cycle. The study further revealed that marketing efficiency for cheese and milk processing is N 0.75 and N 0.80, implying that for every N 1.00 invested N1. 75 kobo were realized by Cheese processors while N 1. 80 kobo were realized by milk processors. This suggests that the business of Cheese and milk processing are both profitable and viable. Results of regression analysis show that for Soybean (Milk) processors, age, total input cost for processors, transportation cost, access to credit and quantity of soybeans were significant variables affecting total revenue of respondents a 1% while membership of cooperative was significant at 5%. For Soybean (Cheese) processors, age, educational level, access to credit, total input cost for processing, and quantity of soybeans are the significant variables affecting total revenue of respondents at 1%. While experience in soybeans processing and transportation cost are the significant variables affecting cheese processing at 5%. This suggests that for an increase in sales revenue, for soybean milk processing, age, access to credit and quantity of soybeans should be increased while total input cost for processors and transportation cost should be reduced. For increase in sales revenue of soybean cheese processors, age, educational level, access to credit, quantity of soybeans and years of experience in processing should be increased. It is recommended that processors should be supported with credit to procure soybeans in bulk at harvest period in order to enhance their profit while policies should equally be tailored towards a reduction in the cost of inputs in order to support value chain addition.
Key words: Soy Beans, Cheese, Milk Value Chain, Profit, Efficiency.