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Research Article

Hormonal Disorders in the First Year of Children’s Life: Causes and Risks of Development

*Liya T. Lezgiyeva, Egor Y. Nesterov, Naida Z. Neftullayeva,Yana A. Novikova, Yana Paromova, Sergey V.


The article discusses the causes and risks of hormonal disorders in children in the first year of life. Normal thyroid function
is important for the development of the nervous system in fetuses and newborns. It is known that thyroid hormones play
a leading role in the development necessary for the development and maturation of the brain, which continues in the
neonatal period. If the functions of the thyroid gland in children with a weight deficit are disrupted in the first months of
life, then irreversible damage to CNS may occur, which in the future will lead to the development of mental retardation.
However, these complications can be avoided by conducting an appropriate diagnosis in the neonatal period.
The main purpose of diagnosing the disorders discussed above in newborns is to avoid brain damage in patients. In addition
to the main goal, it is also possible to ensure the possibility of normal development of children with this diagnosis when
conducting timely diagnosis of the disease and taking appropriate measures.

Key words: Hormonal disorders, Neonatal period, Newborn screening

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