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Case Report

J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(1): 66-69

A Permanent solution to restore Occlusal Vertical Dimension (OVD) and Partial Edentulism – Overlay Removable Partial Denture (ORPD)

Surhan Aziz, Muhammad Rizwan Nazeer, Kamil Zafar, Robia Ghafoor.


Tooth wear is a common problem seen in population and poses restorative challenge to a dentist as well. Extensive dental procedures are usually required for the treatment of tooth wear associated with loss of occlusal vertical dimension. An overlay removable partial denture provides conservative treatment option for patients with moderate to severe worn down dentition and partial edentulism. It is designed in such a way that some part of denture component also covers the occlusal surface of remaining teeth and replace the remaining teeth to achieve a functionally stable occlusion. This case report is about a patient who was given cast metal overlay upper and lower denture for a correction of lost vertical dimension of occlusion, replacement of few missing teeth and for the prevention from further tooth wear.

Key words: Tooth wear, vertical dimension, oral rehabilitation

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