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Med Arch. 2022; 76(1): 66-71

Dexamethasone and Nutraceutical Therapy Can Reduce the Myalgia Due to COVID-19 – a Systemic Review of the Active Substances that Can Reduce the Expression of Interlukin-6

Umberto Ripani, Michele Bisaccia, Luigi Meccariello.


Background: Myalgia reflects generalized inflammation and cytokine response and can be the onset symptom of 36% of patients with COVID-19. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF- α) levels in plasma and upper respiratory secretions directly correlate with the magnitude of viral replication, fever, and respiratory and systemic symptoms, including musculoskeletal clinical manifestations. Objective: The aim of our work is to report literature scientific investigation clinical protocol to reduce the immunomodulation and inflammatory response nutraceutical therapy associated with dexamethasone and how can reduce the expression of Interlukina-6(IL-6) and myalgia due to COVID-19. Methods: We searched in Pubmed and Cochrane the nautriceutical drugs to treat the immune modulation of organism to COVID-19. We put these keywords: immune inflammation, desease descriptions, epidemiology COVID-19; immunomodulations; IL-6; Rheumatic Symptoms; Joint; Musculoskeletal Disorders; dexamethasone; Polydatin; Zinc; Melatonin; N- Acetyl Cysteine; Colostrum; L- Glutamine; Vitamin D3. Results: We found 61 papers. All the authors analyze them. After the Analyze we suggest the use of response nutraceutical therapy associated with dexamethasone can reduce the expression of Interlukina-6(IL-6) and myalgia due to COVID-19. Conclusion: According the scientific literature nutraceutical therapy associated with dexamethasone can reduce the expression of Interlukina-6(IL-6) and myalgia due to COVID-19.

Key words: COVID-19, cytokine storm, joint pain, musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, long covid, covid long haul, nutraceutical factors, dexamethasone, um-PEA, polydatin, melatonin, colostrum freeze drying, vitamin D3, N-acetyl cysteine, L-Glutammine, zinc.

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