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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 4988-4997

Prevalence And Correlates Of Child Labour In Tribal District, Mohmand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Rahat Sher Khan, Sajjad Ahmad Jan, Ansa Javed Khan, Jawad Rahim Afridi.


This study investigates the prevalence and correlates of child labour in the tribal districts.The tribal districts that now encompass the FATA region share many socioeconomic characteristics. Moreover, the FATA region was recently affected by a large scale conflict that resulted in large numbers of its inhabitants getting killed, as well as destruction of public and private infrastructure and loss of livelihoods. This also resulted in limiting access to the region. Keeping this in consideration a sample size of 427 children was selected in tribal district Mohmand, which was generalized for the whole of FATA region.Results showed that combining school with work is the most preferred activity for children. Similarly, Child schooling was second-most and full-time child labour was the third-most preferred activity for children in the study area. It was found that an increase in child age increases the child's chances of getting engaged in labour activities. Gender of children also determines their labor status.Results indicate that households prefer schooling alongside child labour for their male children and idle status for their female children. The government can address issue of child labour through transfer payment schemes, providing job opportunities and financing business programs.

Key words: Child Labour, Child Schooling, Tribal districts, District Mohmand.

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