Purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia DC. var. angustifolia) is an important medicinal plant in pharmacological industry. This plant is produced in commercial scale but their seeds exhibit low germination percentages under field conditions. Enhancing seed germination is thus crucial for improving the production of E. angustifolia. The influence of Ethephon, Gibberellic acid (GA3) and moringa leaf extract on emergence, growth attributes, yield attributing characteristics and essential oil percentage of purple coneflower (E. angustifolia) were investigated. Freshly harvested seeds of E. angustifolia were treated with 0.5, 1 and 2mM of ethephon, 2000 2500 and 3000mg/l of gibberellic acid (GA3) and 5, 10 and 15% of moringa leaf extract (MLE). Then, seeds were stratified at 4oC for 4 weeks in light. All the priming treatments were evaluated for the emergence, growth attributes, yield attributing characteristics and essential oil percentage. Among different treatments MLE-priming at 10% could be recommended, as it was the best in terms of final emergence percentage (96%), mean emergence time (4.78 days), α-amylase activity (52.15 IU/mg), total soluble sugars (61.41 mg/g), reducing sugars (54.19 mg/g), plant height (98.82 cm), number of branches (28.36), biological yield (14.08 ton/h) and root yield dry (8.88 ton/h) and essential oil percentage (0.62 %). Moringa leaf extract (10%) is recommended as a priming agent to overcome seed dormancy and improve the emergence, growth, yield and essential oil percentage of E. angustifolia.
Key words: Emergence, Narrow-leaved purple coneflower, Echinacea angustifolia, Ethephon, Gibberellic acid, Moringa, Extract, essential oil.