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IJLSAS. 2021; 3(1): 16-21

Zebu Cattle- Its Less Explored Qualities

Sandeep Kour, Asma Khan, Biswajit Brahma, Dipanjali Konwar.


Cattle rearing has been a traditional livelihood in India and is closely linked to agricultural economy. As per 20thth livestock census, India is blessed with 192.49 million cattle population of this ,142.11 million are indigenous. Most of the cattle are non-descript (80%) and only 20% belong to indigenous breeds recognized by NBAGR..The cattle genetic resource of India is represented by 37 well recognized indigenous breeds and 13 recognised buffalo breeds. Indigenous cattle also known as Zebu cattle are robust and resilient. Zebu (Bos indicus), sometimes known as humped cattle, indicus cattle, or Brahmin cattle are a type of domestic cattle originating in South Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent. They are usually red or grey in colour and are characterized by a fatty hump on their shoulders, drooping ears and a large dewlap. They are endowed with the qualities of heat tolerance, disease resistance and have ability to thrive under extreme climatic stress and less optimal nutrition.

Key words: Zebu Cattle, less explored qualities

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