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Evaluation of Nasociliary Clearance in Covid-19 Patients

Muhammed Ayral, Serkan Dedeoglu, Serdar Ferit Toprak.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: The new coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), which rapidly turned into a global pandemic, progresses with mild flu-like symptoms, suggesting that there may be damage to the nasociliary clearance. The study aimed to evaluate whether nasociliary clearance in individuals with Covid-19 is affected or not using the saccharin test.
Materials and Methods: Saccharin test was applied to 47 PCR positive active COVID-19, 42 recovered PCR negative COVID-19, and 42 healthy groups to evaluate their nasociliary functions and the result was calculated in minutes.
Results: 42 (32.1%) recovered patients, 42 (32.1%) healthy, and 47 (35.9%) COVID-19 patients were included in the study. There were 13 women (31%), 29 men (69%) in the healthy, 18 women (42.9%), 24 men (57%) in the recovered group, 14 women (29.8%), and 33 men (70%) in the active patients. The mean times of saccharin nasociliary clearance were 24 (18-27) min in the active covid-19 patient group, 13 (8-17) min in the recovered covid-19 group, and 11 (8-13) min in the healthy. There was a difference between the groups in terms of the Saccharine test (p

Key words: COVID-19, nasal provocation tests, Saccharin, Smell, Upper respiratory tract infections

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