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Review Article

Treatment Options for Complications of Sickle-cell Disease in Children

Cylia Evda Deckous Dassy, Manou Irmina Saramba, Dongchi Zhao.

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Prospecting clinical comprehensive and approach paradigms of therapeutic management in pediatric age groups with sickle-cell disease is the mainstay indigence. Data over the last two decades was gathered to perform this review through multiple databases such Pubmed, Medline (OvidSP), Embase, Cochrane library, CINAHL (EBSCOHost), Web of science CPCI-S and from manual search in google scholar. The search terms included anemia, sickle cell, sickle cell disease, acute pain, complication, treatment, and management with highlight on pediatric age. Those have full text recoverable with English language where involved for this review. Sickle-cell disease is an umbrella term of hereditary illness, the most common of hemoglobinopathy worldwide with epidemiological importance and challenge in public health. The disease is encompassing the mutations in the gene of hemoglobin subunit β, and manifesting via the acute vaso-occlusive crisis. It is highlighted with a troika of pain syndromes, anemia and its corollaries, and end-organ dysfunction, involving infection states whence its classification into a multisystem illness. Acute pain crisis, therefore, is the hallmark of the condition and tyrannizes its clinical presentation during the whole life of the patients. In some children, the remedy has been accomplished by practicing cord blood transplantation or allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. A thorough management of the disease on approach supportive, symptomatic, preventive, acute, and curative based, enhances in timely the quality of life of patients, except the cost burden of healthcare system which is higher.

Key words: Sickle cell disease, complications, management, costs, treatment, pediatrics

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