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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4699-4703

Understanding the Indian middle class with special reference to the middle class of Colonial Assam: A retrospective study

Dr Kamal Chandra Pathak.


The 19th century is wonder for India as a new wave of change penetrated in the eco-political and sociocultural field of India. The direct rule of the imperialist British gave birth to a middle class in India. This middle alias elite class imbibed by the spirit of western thought and ideology began to criticize the feudalistic and traditional system of India and thus, gave birth to renaissance and reformation movement in their societies. This is already treaded subject, despite that an attempt has been made to retread on it with a new and different look especially in Assam of colonial period.

Key words: Emulation, allegiance, appropriation, transmuted, paraphernalia, renaissance, moorings

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