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Determining effectiveness of a multi-component oral health education program model for preschool children

Gulhan Kocaman, Sehnaz Ceylan, Fatma Betul Kurnaz.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: To develop a valid measurement tool that can evaluate oral and dental health knowledge and to create a program model of oral and dental health education by using different training methods that reinforce each other.
Material and Methods: The developed scale for validity and reliability study was applied to 163 kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade students. The Scale Oral Health Knowledge for 5-8 Age Children was used in the evaluation of education. In the four-week training program, pre-test with scale, oral and dental health visual training presentations, parent education, healthy food package distribution, creative drama training, toothbrush and paste dissipation and post-test with scale were applied.
Results: The scale developed consisted of 10 items and the KR-20 reliability was calculated as 0.71 and the internal consistency coefficient was calculated as 0.70. In the results of the study, there was a significant difference in favor of the last test in the experimental group (z = 4.46, p

Key words: Dental health education; preschool; child; early intervention

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