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Assessment of the health workers’ knowledge and belief about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and spa treatments: A descriptive study

Erdal Dilekci, Kagan Ozkuk, Baris Kaki.


To investigate identifying the knowledge levels, behavior attitude and belief levels about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and spa treatments (ST) among health workers in communication with patients and determining target groups for health training. Cross-sectional, descriptive study. Bolu İzzet Baysal Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Education and Research Hospital and İzzet Baysal Education and Research Hospital 01.04.2019-15.04.2019. 600 participants completed 6 descriptive questions with yes-no answers about demographic characteristics and completed a survey determining knowledge levels about RMDs and ST as correct or incorrect. Though there was statistically significant difference in favor of women about RMDs knowledge level, there was no statistically significant difference between 2 groups for ST knowledge levels. When RMDs and ST knowledge levels are compared, doctors and physiotherapists had statistically similar knowledge levels, with statistically significant level of difference compared to the other groups. Among groups reporting similar opinions about the efficacy of ST, there was no statistically significant difference identified between RMDs knowledge levels, with a statistically significant level of difference identified for ST knowledge levels. Apart from doctors and physiotherapists, 307 other health workers did not have RMDs themselves or in their family, while only 167 had RMDs themselves and 126 stated both they and their family had RMDs. There was a statistically significant difference identified for RMDs knowledge levels. We found that even among the health workers who communicate with patients in hospitals, the level of knowledge with RMDs and ST is very variable. Taking this into account, we believe that all personnel should be provided with supportive scientific information and training in order to ensure that the health workers who are intertwined with the health problems of the individuals reach the correct information.

Key words: Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, spa treatments, health facility workers, knowledge level, health training

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