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Case Report

AAM. 2023; 12(1): 97-103


Vishwnath S Wasedar,Bhagyesh R Pangam.


Cancer, one of the deadliest challenges spreading drastically in the 21st century, has now officially become the most dangerous killer in the world according to the World Health Organization. In this current study, we are presenting a case of a 57-year-old female patient who underwent ERCP with biliary stenting to relieve obstructive jaundice. The patient was suspected of carcinoma so during the ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) procedure a periampullary tissue specimen was taken for biopsy. Biopsy reports revealed periampullary Adenocarcinoma. After that patient refused to opt for chemotherapy and approached KLE Ayurveda Hospital, Belgaum for further management. Immediately, she started with Ayurveda oral medications based on the disease and symptoms on successive follow-ups for almost 9 months. We observed significant clinical improvement along with the normal impression of the computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen which was repeated 2 times with a gap of 3 months during the course of treatment. As well as her alpha-fetoprotein and liver function test (LFT) were within normal limits after the treatment.

Key words: Ampulla of vater, Adenocarcinoma, shamana , gulma , cancer

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