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RMJ. 2020; 45(1): 74-76

Frequency of shoulder subluxation among stroke patients

Nasir Khan, Shujaat Ali Khan, Naveed Ahmed, Muhammad Junaid Akram, Sana Mehboob.


Objective: To determine the occurrence of shoulder subluxation in post stroke patients.
Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted at PIMS Hospital Islamabad and included a sample of 101 stroke patients selected through convenience sampling technique. Clinical palpation for shoulder subluxation was used to regarding grades of subluxation. “Ritchie Articular Index for Paretic Shoulder Pain” was used for the data collection regarding shoulder pain. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 16.0
Results: Out of 101 participants, 61(60.4%) were males 40(39.6%) females. Mean age was 56.62 years. Ritchie articular index showed that 28(27.7%) participants had no pain, 24(23.8%) had pain only, 20(19.8%) had pain with wince and 29(28.7%) had pain with wince and withdrawal. For shoulder subluxation, 60(59.4%) participants had no subluxation, 20(19.8%) had minimal subluxation and only 21(20.8%) had substantial subluxation of the shoulder joint. The most important finding was that there was significant positive co-relation between shoulder subluxation and shoulder pain.
Conclusion: The study showed a significant occurrence of shoulder subluxation in stoke patients and also a positive co-relation between shoulder pain and subluxation.

Key words: Shoulder, Pain, Subluxation, Stroke.

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