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SETB. 2009; 43(2): 72-76

Evaluation of PEM (Patient Evaluation Measurement) in carpal tunnel syndrome

Ayhan Kılıç, Murat Gül, Sami Sökücü, Harun Mutlu, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu.


Patient rated scales for the evaluation of treatment are generally subjective as they consist of functional and psychological individualities. Despite those scales are subjective by nature, they are effective in assessing the patient satisfaction and functionality of treated hand.
Aim: Our aim was to assess the patient satisfaction in a series of carpal tunnel syndrome, by using PEM (Patient Evaluation Measurement) and Boston Questionnaire, then to evaluate the correlation between two scales.
Patients and Methods: 32 wrists (8 subjects double sided) of 24 patients (mean age 50.4) whereas 3 are male and 21 are female, who applied to our clinics in 2006 and 2007 were included into our study. Twelve wrists were right hand side and twenty were left hand side. 5 patients were suffering type II diabetes mellitus and 3 were having smoking history. The average “symptom to surgery” time was 26 months. Boston questionnaire and PEM scale were applied preoperatively and postoperatively (6 months) to the subjects who went under “mini-open” carpal tunnel release. Data from both scales were analysed by using SPSS (version 11.5) statistics software.
Results: Results from both scales demonstrate effective recovery after surgical treatment. PEM was found to be correlated with Boston Functional Rating Sub-scale and Complaint-based Rating Sub-scale, moderately and poorly, respectively.
Discussion and Conclusion: In reference to Boston questionnaire as a scale in use for a long time, PEM was considered to be a low cost, easy-to-use scale that rates the patient satisfaction in carpal tunnel syndrome.

Key words: Carpal tunnel syndrome, PEM, Boston questionnaire, Patient rated scales

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