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Original Article

Med Arch. 2019; 73(3): 149-153

Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy - Our Experiences

Humera Porobic-Jahic, Fahrija Skokic, Sead Ahmetagic, Dilista Piljic, Rahima Jahic, Jasminka Petrovic.


Introduction: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is ubiquitous. It affects all age groups, and its clinical picture ranges from mild to severe, especially as a congenital infection in neonates. Aim: To determine frequency of CMV infection in pregnant women in Tuzla Canton (TC) and the risk factors that lead to the infection. Methods: This prospective study included 300 pregnant women from TC aged 18 to 42 years. CMV serology was performed on all participants, and in case of acute infection additionally IgG avidity test. Participants also completed the questionnaire on the risk factors for CMV infection. Results: The median age of the 300 women was 28 ±4.97 years. There were 161participants (53.6%) who classified their environment as urban and 295 (98.33%) were married. More than half of the women had completed secondary school 168 (56%). Positive IgG antibodies to CMV had 280 (93.0%) women. Positive IgM and IgG antibodies had 9 (3.0%) participants, but all of them had high IgG avidity, which indicates reinfection or recurrent CMV infection. There was a statistically significant higher number of seropositive participants living in rural areas than those living in urban areas (p= 0.048). Also, there was significantly higher percentage of positive anti-CMV IgG in pregnant women with lower education (p=0.04). Conclusion: In our region there is high seropositivity rates of IgG antibodies to CMV in pregnant women. No case of primary CMV infection was proven. The risk factors for CMV infection have been proven to be rural environment and lower level of education.

Key words: CMV, pregnancy, risk factors.

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