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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 87-90

Substitution urethroplasty using buccal mucosal graft and excision and primary anastomosis urethroplasty, a preliminary report

Sajid Ali Abbasi, Azizullah Mirani, Aamir Ali Shaikh, Mohammad Tayab Kalwar, Nisar Ahmed Shaikh, Malik Hussain Jalbani.


Objective: To compare the success rate and outcome of substitution urethroplasty using buccal mucosal graft and excision and primary anastomosis urethroplasty in urethral stricture disease at our center.
Methodology: In this retrospective study, 80 male patients were recovered from hospital records. Patient were selected randomly which were managed with stricture urethra using above mentioned both techniques from hospital record.
Results: Mean age of participants was 17.51±12.8 years. The etiology of the stricture was trauma in 32(40%), iatrogenic in 20(25%), infection in 20(25%) and unknown in 8(10%) patients. The average follow up time for urethroplasty was 18 months.
Conclusion: Our study concluded that both EPA (excision and primary anastomosis) and substitution urethroplasty had higher long lasting success rates. But EPA had controversial sexual function effect that is not acceptable to many reconstructive urologists.

Key words: Stricture urethra, substitution urethroplasty, excision.

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