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Ann Med Res. 2018; 25(2): 207-210

Evaluating of the effects of Ramadan fasting on ankle proprioception performance

Mahmut Cay, Deniz Senol, Songul Cuglan, Furkan Cevirgen, Davut Ozbag.

Cited by 5 Articles

Aim: Human body has an unmatched capacity to keep the correct posture against gravity. Balance is the most important factor for the stability of ankle joint. Ramadan is a special religious month of Muslim calendar (The Hegira calendar) which includes an integrated life style change in dietary habits, sleep pattern, daily life and social activities. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of fasting on ankle proprioception sense.
Material and methods: This study was attended by 30 of the first year students of the faculty of medicine. Ankle proprioception sense was measured at 10º dorsiflexion (DF), 11º plantarflexion (PF) and 25º PF angles in eyes open position (EOP) and eyes closed position (ECP) by using active reproduction test. Deviations from these angles were recorded as proprioception score. The measurements were made two weeks before Ramadan started and 2 weeks after Ramadan started when the students were fasting. Ankle proprioception measurement was conducted separately for right and left foot with digital inclinometer.
Results: According to the results of Wilcoxon paired samples test, statistically significant difference was found between pre-fasting and fasting period in ECP 10º DF and 11º PF angles of the right foot and ECP 11º PF angle of the left foot (p

Key words: Ramadan fasting, proprioception, ankle, anatomy

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