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Dusunen Adam. 2018; 31(3): -

The Relationship Between Self-Mutilation, Suicid Attempt History and Defense Mechanisms in Patients with Opiate Use Disorder

Sema Baykara, Kübra Alban.


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between defense mechanisms and self-mutilative behaviors and suicide attempt in opiate use disorder (OUD) diagnosed patients.
The study group was formed of 100 people who were inpatient and diagnosed with OUD. The Sociodemographic and Clinical Data Form, Defense Style Questionnarie-40 (DSQ 40), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were administered.
Passive aggression, somatization, immature factor were higher in OUD with self-mutilative behavior (SMB) than without. Antisipation was higher in those with SMB than in those without and no relationship was found between other mature defense mechanisms and SMB. There was no significant relationship between SMB and Beck anxiety and Beck depression score.
Passive aggression, somatization and immature factor defense mechanisms were higher in patients with suicide attempt history (SAH). There was no relationship between SAH and mature defense mechanisms in OUD patients. Beck depression and Beck anxiety score were higher in the presence of SAH.
It is shown in the study that immature defence styles are used more frequently by patients with SMB and SAH, SAH was associated with anxiety and depression scores and SMB has been used as a sort of coping mechanism and has not been associated with anxiety and depression scores in OUD. The application of therapeutic programs for the more effective use of mature defenses, as well as specific pharmacotherapies, in patients with OUD can be considered. Considering that the SAH is associated with high anxiety and depression scores when pharmacotherapy is planned, the success rate of treatment can be increased.

Key words: Heroin Dependence, Self Mutilation, Suicide, Attempted, Defense Mechanisms

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