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Case Report

Love sign’s love for glomus tumor

Ankit Shukla, Varun Verma, Roshni Shukla, Rajesh Chaudhary, Saurab Sharma, Sajid Mohammad.


Glomus tumors are rare benign painful tumors, which arise from the glomus body. The diagnosis is established with a detailed history and a bunch of efficient clinical tests, which are more beneficial than the radiological investigations. The surgical removal of the tumor is the mainstay of treatment. We present here a case of glomus tumor of right thumb suffering from agonizing paroxysms of pain since the last ten years, which was diagnosed clinically, whose tumor was surgically removed after localizing it with the love’s pin test.

Key words: Glomus tumor, Love’s pin test, Love’s sign, Hildreth’s test

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