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Case Report

Med Arch. 2016; 70(1): 76-78

Aspergilloma Mimicking Metastasis in a Case with Laryngeal Carcinoma

Hakan Demirtaş, Ahmet Orhan Çelik, Mustafa Kayan, Ayşe Umul1, İsa Döngel.


Introduction: Aspergilloma is a fungal ball which is composed of hyphal structure fungus, fibrin, mucus and cellular debris and settled in a pre-existing pulmonary cavity or an ectatic bronchial. It may cause colonization in patients with an immunosuppressive and underlying lung disease. Although chest radiography provides valuable information, it can be scanned more effectively by computed tomography (CT). Monitoring fungal ball within the cavity in CT provides establishing the diagnosis. Case report: However, in this case report, we presented a case with operated laryngeal carcinoma whom we first had considered to have metastasis and who had received a diagnosis of aspergilloma in CT and Positron emission tomography (PET). Conclusion: Imaging findings may remain limited in definitive diagnosis of aspergilloma. Therefore, surgical resection will allow for both pathological diagnosis and treatment.

Key words: Aspergilloma, Computed tomography (CT), Positron emmosion tomography (PET), Lung cancer.

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