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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2014; 21(4): 307-309

Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis During Pregnancy Associated with Protein S Deficiency: Report of a Rare Case

Murat Bulanık1, Zeynep Özcan Dağ1, Demet Demiray1, Ersel Dağ2, Yavuz Şimşek1



Hereditary thrombophylic mutations are seen in 10% of the general population and many cases are diagnosed as a result of complications that occur during pregnancy. Of these, Protein S deficiency is a rare hereditary trombophilia with severe thrombogenic features. Pregnancies accompanying protein S deficiency often result in loss of fetus. In this paper, we present the case of a protein S deficiency patient who eventually had a live birth despite the cerebral sinus thrombosis in the 30th week of her pregnancy and discuss the case with references to the relevant literature.

Key Words: Protein S Deficiency; Hereditary Thrombophilia; Cerebral Sinus Trombosis; Pregnancy.


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