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RMJ. 2023; 48(1): 50-53

Comparison of bubble CPAP versus head box oxygen in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome

Annam Asif, Ammara Ayub, Sajid Ali Shah, Sugra Wahid, Saeed Zaman, Lutfullah Goheer.


Objective: To compare bubble continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and head box oxygen in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in terms of frequency of successful weaning.
Methodology: A quasi experimental study conducted at The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Kahuta Research Laboratory Hospital, Islamabad from January 2019 to January 2020. A total of 100 (50 in each group) preterm neonates having RDS were randomly distributed in two groups. Group-A neonates received respiratory support via head box and Group-B received support via bubble CPAP. Clinical course was assessed as shifting of baby from bubble CPAP to mechanical ventilation or successful weaning.
Results: In a total of 100 neonates (50 in each group), 46 (46.0%) were male and 52 (52.0%) females. Mean age in Group-A and Group-B was 32±2.8 weeks and 33±3.12 weeks, respectively. In Group-A (head box), 21 (42.0%) neonates had successful weaning while in Group-B (bubble CPAP) 39 (78.0%) had successful weaning (p=0.0002).
Conclusion: Preterm neonates with RDS on bubble CPAP wean off earlier than those preterm neonates with RDS on head box oxygen.

Key words: Continuous positive airway pressure, headbox oxygen, preterm, neonate, respiratory distress syndrome.

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