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α-Glucosidase and α -amylase inhibitory activities of Mukia maderaspatana (L) Roem

Vadivelan Ramachandran.


The present study is to evaluate the invitro antidiabetic activity of Mukia maderaspatana ethanolic extract and fractions by α-glucosidase and α -amylase inhibitory activity.
Inorder to evaluate if the extraction procedure could influence the activity, we decided to extract with ethanol and fractions with chloroform and n-butanol of Mukia maderaspatana and test each of them with enzyme α-glucosidase and α -amylase inhibitory activity .
Mukia maderaspatana ethanolic extract and fractions showed dose dependent inhibition of α-glucosidase and α -amylase enzyme and exhibited lower inhibitory activity than acarbose.
The study revealed the antidiabetic potential and could be helpful to develop medicinal preparations and nutraceuticals and function foods for diabetes.

Key words: Mukia maderaspatana, α-Glucosidase/ α –amylase inhibitor, Diabetes, Nilgiris

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