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Socioeconomic status and Dental caries: Exploring the relation in patients visiting Dental Teaching Hospital. Karachi.

Talha M Siddiqui, Aisha Wali, Mortaza Azimi, Tawoos Salehi, Sohaib Mahmood Siddiqui.


OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between socioeconomic status and Dental caries in patients attending Out Patient Department of Baqai Dental College. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Oral Diagnosis, Baqai Dental College from 26th April 2017 to17th December. A structured questionnaire was developed and demographic profile, socioeconomic status, residence and decayed teeth were recorded. Data was analyzed for frequency and percentages of different variables and Chi square test was used to check for association between the variables by using IBM SPSS version 22. RESULTS: The present study reported that out of 327 patients, 189(57.8%) belonged to rural area with an average monthly income. One hundred and twenty six (38.5%) of patients with an average monthly income, and 24(42.1%) from low monthly income, each reported only one decayed teeth.
KEYWORDS: Dental caries, income, socioeconomic status

Key words: KEYWORDS: Dental caries, income, socioeconomic status

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