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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(7): 001-005

Preparation and characterization of BSA and chitosan nanopartices for sustainable delivery system for quercetin

L. F. A. Anand Raj, R. Jonisha, B. Revathi, E. Jayalakshmy.


The current study was undertaken in order to evaluate the efficacy of BSA and chitosan nanoparticle for sustainable delivery of Quercetin. BSA and chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by coacervation process and Ionic gelation method respectively and were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope. The average size of BSA and chitosan nanoparticles was found to be 96nm and 42.7nm respectively. Quercetin loaded BSA and chitosan nanoparticles were smooth and spherical with the average size of 317.1 nm and 44.1nm respectively. The encapsulation efficiency of the BSA and chitosan nanoparticles were calculated and it was found that the drug encapsulation efficiency was more in chitosan than in BSA. The in vitro analysis of Quercetin loaded BSA and chitosan nanoparticles were studied using dialysis bag. The nanoformulation of Quercetin loaded BSA nanoparticles shows a sustainable release of drug in which 56% of the drug was released till 24 hours and it did not change further. For Quercetin loaded chitosan nanoparticles it shows 72% of in vitro drug release for 24 hours and found to be better than BSA nanoparticle. Hence both Quercetin loaded BSA and chitosan nanoparticles were effective in encapsulation and sustainable release which also paves way for the bio availability of Quercetin

Key words: BSA nanoparticles, Chitosan nanoparticles, Quercetin and sustainable release

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