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Case Report

PBS. 2015; 5(4): 185-8

Short-term and temporary smoking associated with manic episode: case report

Halil Özcan, Naciye Karabulut, Esra Özhan İbiş, Atakan Yücel.


The high rate of smoking in psychiatric patients is a common condition. In patients with bipolar disorder high rates of smoking have been frequently reported. High rates of smoking habit are believed to be associated with many factors in patients with bipolar affective disorder. In this case report, an inpatient male patient who started smoking a few days before existence of manic episode, and decreasing of the numbers of smoked cigarettes day by day with the alleviation of manic symptoms, and quitted to smoke with disappearance of manic symptoms, and some suggested treatment strategies will be discussed over the relationship between the use of nicotine and bipolar disorder.

Key words: smoking, psychiatry, mania, nicotine

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