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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4900-4913

Review Paper On Image Contradistinction Amplification Techniques

Mahesh Manchanda.


It is necessary to use a number of strategies for the purpose of amplifying the contrast between the images in order to boost both the aesthetic value and the perceptual distinctions that exist between them. In the next piece that serves as a review, we will make an effort to provide an overview of the many strategies and procedures that are utilised for the aim of increasing the picture's contrast. We study the origins of these approaches, the key ideas that drive them, and the many other fields in which they may potentially be used. In addition to this, we provide an analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of the approaches that are now in use, as well as alternative research areas that may be pursued in order to gain a deeper understanding of this topic.

Key words: Image Contradistinction, Amplification, deep learning.

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